C M Ramakrishnan
6 min readMay 13, 2023


Inability to free itself from Greed and Guilt has resulted in the Western World tying itself up in many Gordian Knots, and an ever-tightening noose of universal Islamisation by radicals.

The UN discussions on ‘Islamophobia’, the recent Irish attempts to strangle exposure of extremism in the name of Islam are unmistakable evidence of the inability of the west to free itself from the growing strangle hold of the assault by an insidious combination of woke, leftists and jihadi sympathizers. There is no doubt that the West has much to answer for the unbridled violence inflicted on peoples around the world.

“99.13% of terrorists acts formally condemned by the Security Council in the last 15 years were committed by Muslims.”

The 9 /11 terror attacks claimed nearly 3000 lives and sensitized the western world on the dangers of terrorism. They have realized that terrorists do not respect borders, cultures, language, sex, age, or religion.

“Publicly available records show that from August 2007 to May 2022 the security council has condemned acts of terrorism 115 times. In all these cases except one, the entities committing the terrorism were self-identified Muslims or were done in such circumstances or places clearly suggest their Islamic identity. The only exception was the Christchurch Mosque attack in New Zealand in March 2019.”

Apologists for terrorism, and fake purveyors of equality, are grossly misusing the advent of Democracy, freedom of speech and the feelings of guilt of the West over its past behavior.

Attempts are being made in every country and in the international organisations like the UN to deprive victims of Islamic terrorism the ability to fight for justice. Perpetrators of terrorism and hate speech in the name of Islam have been allowed free play, in the name of freedom of speech and violent actions based on religious scriptures like the Quran which can never be questioned by anyone.

Many practitioners of Islam cite suitable verses from their holy book, which talk of peace, love, brotherhood etc. However, the cultivated hatred and extreme cruelty perpetrated on the rest of humanity by those who consider it their duty according to regressive verses in the same book is sought to be glossed over.

Radical Followers of these retrograde religious beliefs reserve the right to rule over ‘nonbelievers’ and even kill them with impunity. Quoting from their holy book radicle Islamists believe that they have a right to torture and kill mercilessly those who do not believe in their version of God and based upon quotations like “strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them” openly carry out wholesale slaughter of innocents.


Support for terrorists has been forthcoming from many Islamic countries and Saudi Wahabis who pour millions into organisations to promote Political Islam. However, the most shameful fact is that support for Islamic terrorism, has been forthcoming from the ‘democracies’, ‘free world’ and claimants of ‘secularism’ and ‘freedom of speech, and equality’.

USA has been in the forefront to promote ‘jihadi’ mindset in the youth through its contributions in millions to organisations and groups like the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI) of Pakistan. UK and Germany have allowed mosques in their countries to be used for misguiding youth and for recruitment to Jihadi organisations like ISIS, Al Qaida etc.


Even the catholic church, on the forefront of resistance to the jihad for centuries likewise abdicated early in the 21st century “. “……. early in the 21st century the Catholic Church went even further not only not sounding the alarm about the advancing jihad but demonstrating that it had no historical memory of why the Crusades had been fought as well as no awareness that this Jihad which had historically targeted the church was continuing and had found renewed energy.” #

Pope Francis in a November 2013 Apostolic Exhortation declared; “ Faced with disconcerting episodes of violent Fundamentalism, our respect for true followers of Islam should lead us to avoid hateful generalizations’ , for authentic Islam and the proper reading of Quran are opposed to every form of violence”.

So, one would surmise “Pope Francis was not just a defender of Islam …. “ but for him death penalty for blasphemy and murdering people for violating Sharia blasphemy laws was ‘normal’, “ and it wasn’t terrorism anyway for “ Christian terrorism does not exist, Jewish terrorism does not exist, and Muslim terrorism does not exist. They do not exist”; “he said in a speech in February 2017.”

Ironically, the Islamic state, “in November 2017 threatened Christmas blood at the Vatican and released an image of Pope Francis beheaded”. (#Pages 356, 357 the history of jihad: from Mohammad To ISIS: Robert Spencer)


False pretenses and falsehoods should not prevent messages of acute and impending dangers from being placed in public domain. Victims have a right to be warned and be allowed to take precautions.

People of Afghanistan and Pakistan have a right to know that organisations like Taliban and TTP have targeted many innocents. Even schools have been targeted and more than a hundred children butchered by terrorists ( Peshawar School Massacre in 2014). Should the people of Pakistan be denied the information that in January 2023 a Muslim suicide bomber killed more than one hundred in a mosque in Peshawar in Pakistan?

Why should Hindus not be warned that in June 2022; in Bangladesh, 79 Hindus were killed, fifty-six temples attacked and over 200,000 homes of Hindus were vandalized? It can happen again, and Hindus in Bangladesh need to be prepared to face such onslaughts.

Cover up of Islamic terrorism has been institutionalized in India. The planned genocide of Hindus in Kashmir valley by Muslim terrorists aided by locals resulted in rapes, loot, arson, and murder and over 200,000 Hindus, all original residents were driven out of their homes. Not only have they not been compensated by the successive governments, but Muslims in the Kashmir valley have also warned them against their returning to their ancestral homes. Many of the displaced Kashmiri Pandits are still living in refugee camps.

In July 2022 armed Muslim killed at least 22 in North Burkina Faso. In June 2022 in Mali, Mopti, Muslims massacred more than 120 civilians over three days of mayhem.

In 2022, Salman Rushdie was stabbed in New York by an Iranian, due to a fatwa issued by an Iranian cleric.

Cases of beating to death and burning while alive of individuals on the excuse of blasphemy, is becoming increasingly common in Pakistan and cannot be wished away.

The ‘Grooming Gangs’ of UK based Pakistanis, cases of ‘Love Jihad’ in India need public exposure to warn the innocent people of the lurking dangers of Islamic radicalism.


Attempts are being made by wokes, self-styled liberals, and pseudo secularists, supporters of terrorism and power mongers to stifle any criticism of heinous acts committed in the name of religion.

It is a fact that Islamic states like Pakistan openly preach and practice Jihad. Sponsoring terrorism is the state policy of Pakistan. What is worse, is the unapologetic support it receives from the population of Pakistan which is predominantly Muslim.

Brutal killings and beheadings of non- Muslims on the basis of fatwas by Mullahs has become the norm. Not allowing the information of heinous crimes perpetrated by members of Islamic radicals in public domain is a crime against humanity.

Persons who canvas for censoring information and deny warning to potential target groups of the possibility of repetitive acts of murder and mayhem should be deemed accomplices to terrorists.

Innocents of this world are at the receiving end of religious terrorism. They need all the protection they can to face this onslaught of mindless religious mayhem. False arguments and justifications are manufactured by woks and leftists to break our societies. Every method is being used to isolate the minorities, like the Hindus and Buddhists, and peace-loving Christians.

There is an urgent need for the good people of the world including good Muslims to come together to fight acts of terrorism by radicle Islamists.

Originally published at on May 13, 2023.

